Two pictures including hands on a computer and a woman studying with the words, "Practice Question of the Week"

 A Social Worker’s Anger

Question: During a session with a 36-year-old female client, a social worker becomes angry in response to the woman’s tone of voice. Very likely, the social worker is experiencing A. EmpathyB. Reaction formationC. TransferenceD. Countertransference Answer: The correct answer is “D” – Countertransference, which refers to a mental health provider responding to a client as…

Two pictures including hands on a computer and a woman studying with the words, "Practice Question of the Week"

Community Organization Process

Question: What is the second step in the community organizing process:A. Community assessmentB. Community outreach and obtaining inputC. Build local leadershipD. Mobilize people Answer:The correct answer is “B” – Community outreach and obtaining input. The first six steps in community organizing are generally referred to as follows: (1) Community Assessment; (2) Community outreach and obtaining…

Day of Exam Test Tips – Test site challenges and more!

1. If there is an issue of significance at the test site, call ASWB immediately. Upon starting the exam, ASWB has a form that you sign indicating consent to proceed. It is challenging to get a refund or rectify a problem once you submit the form and begin your exam. 

2. Read every question twice, especially the last sentence. It is common to read too quickly or to misread the qualifying word (e.g., most likely versus least likely, etc.). If you are running out of time, at least read the last sentence twice so you are clear on what is being asked of you. 

3. Use logic over acronyms. A recent survey showed that 70% of participants who failed the exam used acronyms. LEAP teaches you test logic rather than oversimplified acronyms. If you are using acronyms, it may be time for you to sign up for LEAP’s small group, interactive, live strategy class where you will become very familiar with test logic and ditch those unproven acronyms. Remember, human problems are rarely solved using acronyms! We have said this before and hope to reinforce this message given the data.

A man and woman sitting in front of banners with the LEAP logo talking and the title EXAM FAQ's Videos with Kym Tutell, CEO

FAQ – Are the Exams the Same in All States

FAQ: Do I take the same exam as other test-takers in my state? Answer: ASWB has multiple forms of each exam to prevent content sharing.Since different candidates get different exam versions, ASWB reviews each version prior to administration and uses statistical analysis of the individual questions to adjust the number of correct answers required to…

Exam Testing Partner

FAQ: I heard ASWB is changing their testing partner. When will this occur? Answer: ASWB will be ending their contract with Pearson Vue and will use PSI for test administration beginning January 2, 2024.  If you would prefer to test with Pearson VUE you must do so by December 15, 2023. Testing appointments in late…