A man and woman sitting in front of banners with the LEAP logo talking and the title EXAM FAQ's Videos with Kym Tutell, CEO

FAQ – Are the Exams the Same in All States

FAQ: Do I take the same exam as other test-takers in my state? Answer: ASWB has multiple forms of each exam to prevent content sharing.Since different candidates get different exam versions, ASWB reviews each version prior to administration and uses statistical analysis of the individual questions to adjust the number of correct answers required to…

Exam Testing Partner

FAQ: I heard ASWB is changing their testing partner. When will this occur? Answer: ASWB will be ending their contract with Pearson Vue and will use PSI for test administration beginning January 2, 2024.  If you would prefer to test with Pearson VUE you must do so by December 15, 2023. Testing appointments in late…