FAQ – What Happens if I Don’t Pass
FAQ: What Happens if I Don’t Pass
FAQ: What Happens if I Don’t Pass
FAQ: Do I take the same exam as other test-takers in my state? Answer: ASWB has multiple forms of each exam to prevent content sharing.Since different candidates get different exam versions, ASWB reviews each version prior to administration and uses statistical analysis of the individual questions to adjust the number of correct answers required to…
FAQ: I heard ASWB is changing their testing partner. When will this occur? Answer: ASWB will be ending their contract with Pearson Vue and will use PSI for test administration beginning January 2, 2024. If you would prefer to test with Pearson VUE you must do so by December 15, 2023. Testing appointments in late…
Question: How long does it take to get ASWB exam results? Answer: Upon completing the exam, you will be asked a series of questions. This can build anxiety as most people are eager to know if they passed. The good news is that shortly after answering the questions, you will receive a Pass or Fail…
Learn how to register for the ASWB social work licensing exam by watching this short 1-minute video.
Question: How long should I study for my ASWB SW licensing exam? Answer: Study times will vary greatly depending on how long you have been out of school, as well as how well you perform in a testing environment and retain information, etc… We recommend that you focus on preparing for the exam and as…
Are you worried you won’t pass your social work licensing exam? We have resources to help you along the way.
Question: What is the difference between the qualifying words FIRST and NEXT on the exam? Answer: These two words have the same meaning. It is important to note that they are chronological. This means that the correct answer refers to something that should be done in order and before the other options listed. For example,…
Question: How to get accommodations for the ASWB Social Work licensing exam?Some medical needs can be met without the need to request nonstandard testing arrangements. For example, all test-takers have access to drinks and snacks during permitted breaks. Keep in mind that the timer on your test is still running during a break.If you need…
Today’s question is, “Are there any scholarships to help with exam materials or the exam fee?” Why, in fact, yes there is! LEAP has scholarships for both. Please click the link below to apply: Wishing you the very best!!