Test Tips – Eliminate this Type of Answer
You can also quickly eliminate an answer if it is worded in a judgmental or unprofessional manner. Sometimes an answer may appear to be correct because it sets a boundary with the client.
You can also quickly eliminate an answer if it is worded in a judgmental or unprofessional manner. Sometimes an answer may appear to be correct because it sets a boundary with the client.
Part 3 of 3 (Part 1 and 2 reviewed in previous weeks) For the questions that have two good answer options, LEAP suggests you utilize certain strategies, some of which are outlined in this week’s test tips and are as follows: Opt for the answer that…
Part 2 of 3 (Part 1 was reviewed in the previous week. Part 3 will be reviewed next week)
For the questions that have two good answer options, LEAP suggests you utilize certain strategies, some of which are outlined in this week’s test tips and are as follows: If the question pertains to a client…
Part 1 of 3 (part 2 next week) For the questions that have two good answer options, LEAP suggests you utilize certain strategies, some of which are outlined in this week’s test tips and are as follows: If an answer refers to assessment…
May I have drinks and snacks during my ASWB social work licensing exam? Watch this video to learn the answer to this question.
My colleagues recommended the LEAP products as I prepared for the LMSW exam. I found the material easy to read and extremely helpful. I had been out of grad school for over 12 years as I was getting out of child welfare and into a clinical career. I was initially nervous but quickly found the…
I passed my LMSW exam yesterday and I literally cried when I saw the words “pass” on the screen. This was my second attempt in passing this exam as the first time, I paid for a $350 two day class offered through my college and also purchased a guide book from a lmsw boot camp…
I just wanted to share that reading all the way through the full study guide, DSM, and using the audio CDs were very important in getting my mind back into the swing of assessments and the overall clinical nature of the material. But the absolute BEST thing was reviewing test taking strategies. Being familiar with…
The Leap materials were a fantastic way to prepare for the exam. I have used it for both my LMSW and LCSW and found it to be an invaluable resource. I would highly recommend! Yonason WitonskyNew York.
LEAP offers comprehensive study guides that reflect the level of exam content and challenge for the Masters Level Social Work Exam. I used these excellent tools after I had completed another study guide. LEAP materials were superior! The general study guide offers an overview of the sections of the exam, the DSM V guide is…