How to get Accommomodations for the ASWB Exam
Question: How to get accommodations for the ASWB Social Work licensing exam?
Some medical needs can be met without the need to request nonstandard testing arrangements. For example, all test-takers have access to drinks and snacks during permitted breaks. Keep in mind that the timer on your test is still running during a break.
If you need additional time or other accommodation, you must request and receive approval for nonstandard testing arrangements before you register with ASWB to take the exam. ASWB requires that you request and receive approval for nonstandard testing arrangements in advance. Please note that this entire process can take a few weeks to a couple of months depending on the documentation needed and if everything is processed smoothly the first time. Also, testing spots designated for accommodations typically need to be booked out several months in advance and are limited.
If you need accommodation, please start the process early. Also, please note that nonstandard testing arrangements cannot be added to an existing testing appointment.
Nonstandard testing arrangements may include:
- Monitoring device for conditions such as diabetes
- Ambulatory arrangements for a broken bone
- Additional breaks for those who are pregnant
- Individuals with verified learning disabilities who require more time or someone to read the question
- Individuals with verified hearing loss that requires a reader or special device
- Qualified English as a second language candidates will receive additional time (up to two extra hours) and may request permission to use up to two dictionaries, one bilingual word-to-word translation dictionary and/or one general English dictionary. The ASWB social work licensing exams are administered only in English, but qualified candidates do have the options I just mentioned. Please note that as of today, not all states allow the use of nonstandard testing arrangements for ESL, and some states do not accept a score report from candidates who tested using ESL arrangements. Candidates are encouraged to check with their licensing board for details.
- Lactating individuals who need to pump or express milk may be eligible for sixty minutes of extra time for pumping or expressing and have a designated space for pumping or expressing.
Other options are available for many other types of needs. Contact ASWB to discuss your circumstances. You can also go online. Currently, there is a form that can be completed on their website at
Remember to first submit your request for nonstandard testing arrangements to ASWB at After approval, you may register with ASWB to take the exam. Once you receive an Authorization to Test email that specifies the approved nonstandard testing arrangements, you can Schedule your exam.
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