FAQ – Are the Exams the Same in All States
FAQ: Do I take the same exam as other test-takers in my state?
Answer: ASWB has multiple forms of each exam to prevent content sharing.
Since different candidates get different exam versions, ASWB reviews each version prior to administration and uses statistical analysis of the individual questions to adjust the number of correct answers required to pass that exam version.
This process, called equating, ensures the overall ability required to pass the exam remains the same from one exam form to another.
No one receives an advantage or disadvantage because of the exam form received.
Want to get a very good idea if you are ready for the real exam? Check out LEAP’s exam “A”, which is similar to the real exam and known to be just a smidge harder so you will go into the exam strong! Save 20% on this exam using the code Success20 at www.licensingprep.com