Not only did I pass, I crushed it! I failed the clinical exam twice before finding LEAP, thank goodness I did! I used 2 different companies before and knew that I needed a good audio program to study as I am an audio learner for this 3rd attempt. I purchased the book and new video program. After studying for a few weeks, I took the online practice exam A and was surprised and upset that I scored a 68%, I buckled down for the next 3 weeks and took the book exam and repeated the online exam 3 days prior to the exam to get me into test taking mode, it truly helped my anxiety day of exam. On the real exam, I was able to see the questions so clearly compared to previous attempts. The strategies in the beginning of the book helped me so much. I also spoke with Kym (amazing woman!) 10 days before my exam so I continually used her strategies (which were in the book, but I’m an audio learner so it really stuck with me hearing her voice). My heart was racing when I saw PASS on the screen. And not only did I pass it, I crushed it! I only got 33 questions wrong. I highly recommend LEAP study material to any social worker. A valuable test tip — breathe!!!! You got this!
