Pass Test Name* First Last Email* Please select all of the products that you used in your test preparation.*Hold down the "Ctrl" button ("Cmd" button for mac) to select more than one product.LEAP Comprehensive Study GuideLEAP Audio Quick Study CourseLEAP DSM-5 Review GuideLEAP Home Study Video Licensing Exam Prep CourseLEAP Live ClassLEAP Online Practice ExamsWhich location did you attend for your live class?*Did you receive your LEAP materials through a University?* Yes No Which University?*How many times did you read all the way through the Comprehensive Study Guide* I did not use the LEAP Comprehensive Study Guide, I used other products instead. Less than once One Time Two or more times Did you purchase this product directly from LEAP within the 12 months prior to your exam? **Using old, outdated materials from a friend or through used re-sale channels is not advisable given the importance of using current materials for the exam, as it changes periodically. Yes No What exam level did you take? Bachelors Masters Advanced Generalist Clinical How much time did you spend in regularly scheduled daily/weekly study? ** Less than 6 weeks 6 weeks to 3 months 3 to 6 months More than 6 months What were the results of your exam?* Pass Fail If you did not pass the exam, do you feel that it was because of your LEAP product or was there a circumstance in your life or on test day that interfered with your success?*Since we track our pass rates we want to know if you feel our product was not as helpful as desired. I just had a circumstance that interfered with my success on test day. I do not feel the product was as helpful as desired. Other than your most recent attempt, have you failed the exam previously?* Yes No What was your exam score? (Optional - This will be kept confidential)State in which you took the exam. State / Province / Region PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ